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What To Expect
During a typical worship gathering, we will:
We sing both contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns of praise, sometimes led by a team of musicians, and sometimes with only piano accompaniment. No two Sundays are the same.
Prayer is an essential part of our meeting together, as we praise God, confess our sin, and pray for our community.
Each Sunday includes a time to give to support the work of God's kingdom locally and around the world.
We preach the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Our sermons aim to build up Christians in their faith and encourage non-Christians to consider Jesus.
We aim to model Christ-likeness as we build relationships with one another and with those outside the church. Regularly joining together in fellowship is an important part of continuing our walk with Christ.
The first Sunday of every month we reserve time to share the Communion meal together as we remember Christ's death and resurrection.
Everything we do within our worship service aims to bring glory to our God and proclaim the gospel.
What Should I Wear?
We believe that our God accepts us on the basis of his Son, Jesus Christ, and not on the basis of our looks or possessions. Our congregation is accepting of all; please dress as you feel most comfortable. Most attenders will be dressed casual to business casual, so you may see people in jeans and t-shirts or ties and dresses.
What do parents do with their kids?
During our worship service, we have a nursery play area for children ages infant to five. Our church requires a New York State sex offender registry check on all personnel who work with children.
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